KSA’s Personal Data Protection Law — Saudi PDPL — Tsaaro
Introduction Privacy and data protection is becoming one of the most critical issues of an era that is characterized by the technological revolution and a paradigm shift in our interaction with each other and the digital world in general. Data protection is an essential element in protecting the rights of individuals, which is intrinsically tied to the Human Rights of Individuals. Privacy and data protection are not just the responsibility of a nation state, but the onus to have a robust privacy structure is the responsibility of organizations too. Several national laws to safeguard citizens’ privacy ights and the practical application of data protection rules in day-to-day businesses have been modelled after the European regime of data protection and privacy regulations. So, it is crucial to consider the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s new rules in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The cornerstone for the law’s effective implementation and operation in Saud...